New England's Specialty Foods
HomeBakery: Mixes

Apple Acres Farm, S. Hiram.ME, 207-625-4777,

Bar Harbor Jam, Bar Harbor, ME, 800-453-0883,

Blueberry Bliss, Jonesboro, ME, 207-434-2542,

Bouchard Family Farm, Fort Kent, ME, 207-834-3237,

Brown Family Farm, Brattleboro, VT,866-254-8718, 

Burnham & Mills, Wells River, VT, 800-524-6715,

Cherrybrook Kitchen, Weston, MA, 781-891-6006,

Civitello Biscotti, Hamden, CT, 800-362-5171,

Dancing Deer Baking Company, Inc., Boston, MA, 617-442-7300,

Fennelly Farms, Claremont, NH, 603-542-6077, 

Fiddler Greens Farm, Belfast, ME, 800-729-7935,

 Fox Meadow Farm, Mt. Holly, VT, 888-754-4204,

Geroux's Cafe Mixes, Gardiner, ME, 207-582-7708,

Gormlys, South Burlington, VT, 802-483-2400,

Grafton Village Cheese Co., Grafton, VT, 802-843-2221, 

Gray's Grist Mill, Adamsville, RI, 508-636-6075, 

Gypsy Wind Productions, Auburn, ME, 888-304-5697,

Halladay’s Harvest Barn, Bellows Falls, VT, 802-463-3471,

Highland Sugarworks, Websterville, VT, 802-479-1747,

Hungry Yankee Moose, Auburn, ME, 207-782-9638,

Kenyon's Grist Mill, Usquepaugh, RI, 800-753-6966,

King Arthur Flour, Norwich, VT, 866-367-5365,

Lifes Little Pleasures, Manchester, NH, 603-867-4881,

Littleton Grist Mill, Littleton, NH, 603-444-7478,

Maple Grove Farms, St. Johnsbury, VT, 800-525-2540,

Mulberry Tree, Ludlow, VT, 802-259-2261,

New England Cupboard, Bangor, ME, 207-941-1152,

Nitty Gritty Grain Company of VT, Charlotte, VT, 802-425-4544,

Palmer Lane Maple, Jefferson, VT, 802-644-8334,

Parkers Maple Barn, Mason, NH, 800-832-2308,

Pieces of Vermont, Jacksonville, VT, 800-507-7721,

Polly's Pancake Parlor, Sugar Hill, NH, 800-432-8972,

Stonewall Kitchen, York, ME, 800-826-1752,

VT.Stuff, Bennington, VT,

Venda Ravioli, Providence, RI, 877-4172782,

Vermont Farmgirl, S. Burlington, VT, 800-639-7604,

Weownit Cranberry Co., Jonesport, ME, 866-936-9648,

Wood Prairie Farm, Bridgewater, ME, 800-829-9765,